
Monday, April 23, 2007

Honeymoon...A Little Late But Done

We never really had a "honeymoon" since we got married. So we desided to take one this spring before Nasch got so big in the belly that we wouldn't be able to a whole lot.

We decided to go down to southern Germany to Konstanz, just on the south side of Germany's biggest lake (Bodensee) on the Swiss boarder. And what a weekend it was!

Our first sight was a place called Insel Mainau. It's a huge flower/tree garden-island. Being that it's the begining of spring there wasn't a lot of flowers in bloom but there was enough to still be gorgeous. Not only was it a a garden, they had a lot of other things to see and do. The had a Butterfly House, Castle/Mansion, waterfalls... The place was amazing.
The next day we took a car ferry across the lake to Meersberg to see the castle over there, eat lunch on the promanade and do a little shopping. Later that afternoon we went to an aquarium back in Konstanz and walked along the waterfront and watched all of the wildlife swim and flap around. That night we ate at a little Italian-Pizza place. Nasch had a Spinich Cannaloni and I a fabulous Spinich Spaghetti with an oustanding bottle of Lambrusco.

After that it was back home early the next morning. I had to get back to wrk and Nasch had to get back to taking care of Baby Ethan.


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